Baptisms are celebrated in English on the Second Sunday of the month at 2:30 in the church, couples who are married in the church may also choose to have the baptism celebrated during any Sunday Mass
1. We ask that you be a registered and practicing member of the parish or have some connection to the parish by family or previous history. Registration is important so that the parish may continue to contact the family and encourage you with on-going information about parish events and opportunities to develop your faith.
2. Parents need to promise to raise their child in the faith by your participation.
3. A godparent represents the church’s interest as well as that of the family. In as much as they represent the church we ask that they have completed their sacraments of initiation, and regularly practice their faith. A person needs only one godparent but if you choose two than they are to be male and female. A baptized non-Catholic may act as a sponsor if the other godparents fulfills all the requirements.
1. Le pedimos que usted sea un miembro registrado y practicante de la parroquia o tener alguna conexión a la parroquia por algunos familiares o historial previo. Estar Registrado es importante para que la parroquia puede seguir en contacto con la familia, animarlo con alguna información sobre los eventos parroquiales y oportunidades para desarrollar su fe.
2. Los padres deben prometer criar a su hijo en la fe por su participación.
3. El padrino representa el interés de la Iglesia así como el de la familia. De la misma manera que representa la Iglesia, es necesario que haya recibido los sacramentos de la iniciación y practiquen regularmente su fe. Una persona necesita solamente un padrino pero si usted elige dos deben ser un hombre y una mujer. Una persona Bautizada no católico puede actuar como un Patrocinador siempre y cuando el otro padrino cumpla con todos los requisitos.
Click here for our Baptism book
RICA- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a formation process wherby adults are prepared to be fully initiated int eh Catholic Church. All persons are welcome to learn more about the Catholic faith and to join our community through the various rites that punctuate the journey of faith. Those who have never been baptized are welcomed into the order of Catechumens after an initial period of inquiry and faith development. When they have discerned that they are ready for full initiation they are declared members of the elect by the local bishop and during the 40 days of Lent they undergo a more intense period of prayer and preparation. They join with those who are already baptized in this final preparation for the sacrments of initiation that will be conferred on them at the Easter Vigil. Following their reception of he sacraments they further reflect on their new life in Christ and the church through the fifty days of te Easter Season known as the Mystagogia.